Friday, April 22, 2005
Well, a day of utter confusion...
I forgot it was Friday...I mean, I knew that it was Friday, but it just didn't register in my head...so I forgot to make the connection between that and the heap of Friday changes to the LCA timetable. One seminar of note today was the one about Tux Racer...I was actually expecting yet another seminar of code and theory (I've managed to avoid most of those), and it wasn't my first choice, but the seminar I was going to attend was either cancelled or moved (Can't remember which), so I attended "Extending Tux Racer" which was actually quite fun...I think Tux enjoyed it as well. Some other seminar I was going to attend was also cancelled or moved (whichever the other one wasn't), and the last seminar of the day I felt like letting my brain rest and saw "Remastering Knoppix" which was good.
I tried what Russell did yesterday, Lunchtime Quake...good fun, I also discovered that I have a small head. Bizzarely (or maybe it proves my theory about Russell), there was nothing wrong with the little yellow gun, and it was working fine today.
Note: The "Russell and SE Linux" jokes are just that, jokes...and based on Russell reply to my email, he enjoyed them. SE Linux is a fantastic project...and if you don't know anything about it, then you should learn about it. See Russell's site for more info than you'll ever need on SE Linux
Linus & Linus had some more quotes today, but I didn't take photos of them...maybe tommorow.
These are the seminars that I thought were the best of LCA (I will be emailing this to the organisers for their collaboration of the three best of's for tommorow, unfortunately, miniconfs and tutorials are not able to participate, but I'm including them here anyway)
- SE Linux (Russell Coker)
- PyFlag (David Collett & Michael Cohen)
- OWASP (Andrew van der Stock)
- Securing Third Party Web Apps (Michael Cohen)
- Small Business Network Security (Samuel Gordon-Stewart)...yes, I am biased
- SSL/TLS (Sean Burford)
- More SE Linux (Russell Coker)
- Building User Interfaces With Video & 3D Graphics For Fun & Profit (Wayne Piekarski)...This is where I won the 1GB Flash Drive, and Wayne has been bringing his equipment out at lunch time for Quake demos
- Cluster Mirror Block Devices (Daniel Phillips)...The presentation was created during the presentation before it, I was sitting next to Daniel as he wrote it...that was the "Dream Machine" seminar
- Extending Tux Racer - Learning By Playing (Elizabeth Garbee)
- Rapid Application Development using C# under GNOME (Michael Davies)
- Remastering Knoppix (James Cameron)
Samuel Gordon-Stewart reporting for Samuel's lcaLIVE