Friday, April 22, 2005
Another day...
Yes, I know, I didn't get the video online last night, hopefully tonight.
I've had so much fun at lca so far that I am thinking of ways to get to New Zealand for lca2006...the obvious one is to submit an abstract...maybe something along the lines of "Helping Windows users migrate to Linux".
I didn't make it to the Asterisk seminar yesterday as I went to the DDRaid thing instead....that's where the pictures of the "dream machine" and the "big stick of pointyness" came from.
I'll give you my list of potential best of's later.
Today for me:
9:00 Andrew Morton
10:30 Morning tea
11:00 Cairo, making graphics easy to print.
12:00 Lunch
13:30 WorldForge
14:30 Rapid application development using C# under GNOME
15:30 Afternoon tea
16:00 Towards a small, efficient Linux hardware inventory system
17:00Module hot-swapping for Dynamic Update and reconfiguration in K42
Say hello to me, I don't bite
Samuel Gordon-Stewart reporting for Samuel's lcaLIVE